This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



November 2003

Moderate Libs

Check out what might be happening!

A Libertarian Insurrection
Kevin Connors on Sgt. Stryker’s Daily Briefing

An insurrection within the Libertarian Party is in the offing. A group of moderates, a sort of Libertarian version of the Democratic Leadership Council, made up principally of reformed Democrats and disaffected Republicans, is forming. Their intention is to wrest control of the Party from the ‘tin-foil hat’ crowd, and convert the LP into a viable alternative to the Republicrats.

This would be VERY welcome. With a few exceptions I tend to be economically very conservative but socially very liberal… where the Libertarians “live” on the expanded two dimentional political spectrum. But they tend to be very dogmatic and not very practical and do indeed come off as loons much of the time. Their general principles are absolutely right as far as I’m concerned, but because they know they have no chance of actually winning, they seems to be a lot of lock step to the ideological purity of the concept. Real life needs some concessions to reality.

If you can take the general ideals and concepts of the Libertarians, but attach some pragmatism and some connection to reality, they could be very compelling indeed.

I’ve voted Libertarian in the last two presidential elections, but I would feel MUCH better about it if a candidate came out of this “Reformed Libertarian” movement.

On the other hand, they do need to keep the overall perspective. If they just turned into clones of either the Republicans or democrats, they would become uninteresting.

September 2003 Top Ten!

The results of the email count for September, which were given to the participants a few weeks ago, have now been posted publicly.

September 2003 Top Ten

A couple people switching around this month! Rebecca and Chris swapped 3rd and 4th place, with Rebecca coming out on top this time. And then at the top spot, Al, having grabbed a win last time around, gets 1st place retaken by Brandy, with the two of them switching 1st and second place. Congratulations to Brandy for winning once again!

Fritz Wins game 2!

Yea! Garry blundered and lost in time pressure. I am happy! More later…

Fritz Wins game 2!

Yea! Garry blundered and lost in time pressure. I am happy! More later…

Goodbye Brain


While I was away from home today, Brain passed away. It has just been a few weeks since his leg stopped working and the vet detected the tumor. And while Brandy and I have been medicating Brain every day, it didn’t help. The tumor was visibly getting larger and larger each day the last week or two. Brain was getting around, but it was clearly getting more difficult for him. And he really didn’t like his medicine. Spunky little guy resisting the medicine to the end.

Sigh. Poor little guy. :-(

I got Brain a week before Thanksgiving in 2001. Brain was a good bird, and I enjoyed having him around these last two years, and I know his cagemate Nacho did too. Nacho is a hearty old grandmother. She has outlived every cagemate she has had since I got her in 1998, and she was ALREADY a grandmother and two or three years old when I got her. Nacho did now know Kiwi, my second budgie, but shared cages at one time or another with Moira (my first budgie, who I found in the parking lot outside my apartment in February) and Pinky (who came with Brain, but passed in less than a week) and of course Brain. I think Brain was with Nacho longest. At first I’m not sure they liked each other, but after a while they were definately friends. They were a good old funny couple, the old grandmother gracefully putting up with the overactive teenager.

Brain was a good bird.

So goodbye Brain. We’ll all miss you. :-(

Kasp v Fritz Game 1: Draw

It is a draw. I hate draws. NO FUN.

It was an exciting chess game to get there though.

Oh well. More thoughts later once I am home.

Kasp v Fritz Game 1: Draw

It is a draw. I hate draws. NO FUN.

It was an exciting chess game to get there though.

Oh well. More thoughts later once I am home.

Match Starting

I was on the first elevator of non-press up. Sat down in a choice seat just in time for the ESPN show to begin. It is hard to hear them because they are miked for TV not for the crowd.

Good chance I’ll be visible when they do crowd shots though.

K has entered the room where they will play.

OK I’m ready for it to start.

Go Fritz!

Some Review

It is good news that the Supremes are hearing this. It will be awhile until it actually gets heard and a decision made, but at least it is something. Hopefully they will make the right decision… namely that of COURSE they should have access to civilian courts. There should be absolutley NOTHING that the executive branch does that in the end can’t be at the very least appealed in the normal court system. Our entire system of government is based on checks and balances. To have any area at all where there is no check at all to executive power is extremely dangerous, and should not be allowed.

Supreme Court to Hear Guantanamo Appeals
(Anne Gearan, AP on Yahoo)

The Supreme Court will hear its first case arising from the government’s anti-terrorism campaign following the Sept. 11 attacks, agreeing Monday to consider whether foreigners held at a U.S. Navy base in Cuba should have access to American courts.

Drunk Drivers

I am currently in Delaware, on the way south from my place to DC. Been on the road maybe 90 minutes. Twice in that time I have found myself following obviously drunk drivers. They were weaving dangerously between all three lanes of the highway. They were slowing down and speeding up randomly. They almost ran off the road a few times.

I just stayed back and kept my distance, but several people who passed them were almost hit as they went by and the drunk drivers swerved when they realized someone was near. This is not something you want to see. These people were clearly a menace to themselves, and everyone on the road.

As it was, I just hung back a few miles at a safe distance until these yahoos exited on their own. (One of them quite nearly took out the exit sign as they were leaving the highway.) But the longer they were in front of me the more I was tempted to call the cops on them. I probably should have.

But what is the “proper” course of action in this sort of situation? Call 911 on the cell? Or is in not enough of an emergency to do that? Or just wait for a safe moment and speed by the drunks as fast as possible to get around them and away from them? I guess that is the normal thing that people do. But I can’t help but feel that when people are clearly endangering others, it is almost a duty to report them. Is 911 the way to go?

Anyway, stopping at the Deleware House for a little caffene and rest before continuing on to DC. Hopefully I won’t encounter any more drunks this time around. I do this drive at this time of day and week fairly frequently, and have only seen such obviously impaired drivers a handful of times. But two in one night got my attention. I didn’t call in, but I hope the cops got them. Or at the very least that they got home safely without killing or maiming anyone.

[Note: I originally wrote almost all of this on the Treo, but then hit the wrong button and erased everything I had written… so rather than do that on the thumboard again I hooked up the laptop for a few minutes. Also cool I guess. But not quite as much so as typing the whole post on the phone. :-)]