2014-05-01 01:50 – Climbing a whale at Seattle Center

2014-05-01 02:02 – Surveying the world from the top

2014-05-02 00:40 – What Alex does at a playground… clearly my kid.

2014-05-02 01:22 – Of course that changes once we hit the sand

2014-05-02 23:55 – Spring is time for dandelions.

2014-05-03 03:54 – There was a birthday party at a skating rink. That didn’t go so smoothly. We will have to try again someday.

2014-05-03 20:41 – But a portal shirt makes Alex happy again

2014-05-03 21:21 – Well, at least until haircut time

2014-05-04 22:20 – New day, and it is time for a trip to the zoo, where Grandma Ruth explains warthogs!

2014-05-04 22:34 – Why is mom holding me?

2014-05-04 22:44 – The siamang always seems a little sad

2014-05-04 22:50 – Brandy spends a lot of time with the siamangs, they have been her favorites for years

2014-05-04 23:00 – Walking in the rain

2014-05-04 23:28 – The carousel was a little scary at first

2014-05-05 00:25 – But it was much better the second time around

2014-05-05 00:37 – Then we looked at the penguins, or did they look at us?

2014-05-05 00:53 – Grandma Ruth watches too

2014-05-05 00:57 – While this guy contemplates the sky

2014-05-05 01:43 – After the zoo it was time for dinner, and Alex wanted to know why I was still taking pictures

2014-05-05 01:50 – Working on Trainz Simulator on his iPad, as he often does during dinner

2014-05-05 03:38 – Then out like a light as soon as we were in the car

2015-05-13 20:06 – Back at home, Alex torments the dog as usual

2014-05-22 05:28 – It is me Roscoe decides to cuddle with though

2014-05-25 02:08 – Another day finds Alex whispering secrets into Amy’s ear

2014-05-27 00:02 – Alex made a point of dragging me outside to the back yard to take a picture of this nest of baby spiders

2014-05-27 00:10 – Roscoe lounges as Alex plays in a large box he had carefully braced with toys so it wouldn’t fall over

2014-05-27 00:10 – Seconds later, it does of course fall over, right next to Roscoe. Roscoe doesn’t even blink, let alone move.

2014-05-27 00:13 – Roscoe is used to these shenanigans, and is not going to worry about it. Not at all.

2014-05-27 00:17 – Goofing for the camera

2014-05-27 03:07 – Roscoe really is incredibly patient with Alex. So here he wears shades, because Alex wanted him to.

2014-05-30 04:01 – Even on Mom’s shoulders, it is still iPad time.