- Shame. RT @cnnbrk: Obama signs defense authorization bill "with reservations" http://t.co/HoHOkoGM #
- MT @ggreenwald: Just like he did with the Bush telecom immunity and warrantless eavesdropping bill he voted into law: http://t.co/OFATNTpa #
- Reading – Obama Signs Defense Bill With “Serious Reservations (Kyle Leighton, TPM) http://t.co/CJvurYLX #
- RT @TPM: Santorum moving toward the top in Iowa http://t.co/kut2Mhls #
- RT @fivethirtyeight: Our model has Romney with a 63% chance of winning, Paul 21%, Santorum 12%, Gingrich 3%, Perry 1%. http://t.co/YoUlBdkx #
- That would be great! RT @mattyglesias: Does Ron Paul favor elimination of big government time zones and a return to a sun standard? #
- @RQDammit @mattyglesias A sun standard is when the time is based on the position of the sun in the sky instead of a global standard. #
- Reading – Rick Santorum camp savors its moment (Charles Mahtesian, Politico) http://t.co/DZdtTWDW #
- Reading – The 20th Anniversary of the End of the Soviet Union (Ilya Somin, The Volokh Conspiracy) http://t.co/BXYguiiv #
- Reading – What was done right this year? (Heather Hurlburt, Democracy Arsenal) http://t.co/xzUVc2JX #
- Reading – Ron Paul's Ascent Cannot Be Separated from His Foreign-Policy Views (Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic) http://t.co/eRDCYsvr #
- Reading – The Murdoch Primary, Let's Call It (Josh Marshall, TPM) http://t.co/q7HAb6R0 #
- RT @ggreenwald: Marcy Wheeler on the presidential signing statement attached to the NDAA: http://t.co/IKWYNQxt #
- RT @BadAstronomer: Happy New Year! But what does that *mean*, exactly? http://t.co/e5o6Lk7Q #