- 02:30:06 Retweeted @AmyNotAmy 02:27:10 @AmyNotAmy When I mentioned it in passing to one of the dudes working at Mod Pizza, he said "eh, we're all weird at five years old." in reply to AmyNotAmy
- 03:37:40 Reading – Toddler kills mother with her own gun (@jamietarabay) http://t.co/stNiLx0Vg9
- 04:50:06 Mostly just super sloppy stuff -> Reading – 46 Times Vox Totally Fucked Up A Story (Kevin Draper) http://t.co/9xL2HXIzJX
- 04:58:04 Reading – Sony insider — not North Korea — likely involved in hack, experts say (Ryan Faughnder) http://t.co/hUlXNqy6jR
- 06:59:07 Duh. -> Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace. (Lindsey Kaufman) http://t.co/jRpaw53cZl
- 07:02:02 Reading – Politician’s fingerprint reproduced using photos of her hands (Megan Geuss) http://t.co/Jc8L61goPR
- 16:43:54 Retweeted @jamietarabay 14:27:55 Yeah, this happened. RT @abulsme: Reading – Toddler kills mother with her own gun (@jamietarabay) http://t.co/ZKbOoDB7iI
- 16:43:59 Retweeted @EhabZ 14:42:00 @jamietarabay @abulsme Make sure you secure your AK in a safe place in reply to jamietarabay
- 19:43:21 Retweeted @JohnRidgeway 2014-12-24 21:17:43 Wishing U all a #HappyHoliday and a :-), V and $ new year @NaThomson @SpitzStrategy @lazerow @abulsme @ScottMonty http://t.co/nz8R4azgXS
- 19:43:27 Retweeted @JohnRidgeway 19:07:03 Wishing U all a #HappyNewYear @davidchivers @theajayieffect @Dolors_guillen @dvduyne @dasjoshua @abulsme @namar http://t.co/hY0Q2pG2F9
- 19:44:11 .@JohnRidgeway @davidchivers @theajayieffect @Dolors_guillen @dvduyne @dasjoshua @namar Happy New Year to all of you too! in reply to JohnRidgeway
- 20:22:46 [Abulpost] Congressional Velocity (December 2014 Update) http://t.co/rSsd6cAu13
- 23:55:56 Drat. I’m not going to have my November 2014 pictures out before the end of December UTC… four minutes from now. It won’t be long after tho.
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