This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



@abulsme tweets from 2015-04-27 (UTC)

Edit 02:13 UTC to put a couple retweets I did later than I should have in logical order for the conversations.

2 comments to @abulsme tweets from 2015-04-27 (UTC)

  • Diane Minter

    So sad about Roscoe. But he seems to have gone from happy, relatively healthy to the last day very quickly. Even harder when they fade slowly, and you have to make the quality of life decision. What a fantastic companion he was for Alex.

  • Yes, quick is better than long illness I’m sure. We still wish we had more time though! It rather snuck up on us! He’s with us, then boom, he’s not. My mom’s dog Sara (who I found as a puppy running on an Interstate in Pennsylvania and got my mom to agree to take a month or so later) was given six months to live more than six months ago, and has been on a very slow decline for years, but is still plugging along. We know she could go any day as well. :-(

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