This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



November 2004

One Year

Brandy and I were thinking about something that had happened and were trying to figure out if it had been more or less than a year ago. (I think it turned out to be more.) But anyway, that led Brandy to check something on my blog.

She was looking for this entry. That post announced the death of my parakeet Brain. It was a sad day. But when she rushed back to my house from her house to help me bury Brain and to grieve with me, it kinda marked the start of when we started “dating”. Well, that can be counted in many different ways. We first met back in February 2003. I think. Our first “date” was in March 2003. And we talked and saw each other fairly regularly from that point onward as “just friends”. And certain other (cough) milestones (cough) would actually be later on down the road than this date. And I didn’t actually say publicly to anyone that we were a couple until this post almost a month later.

But the transition into being a couple, or at least calling it that kinda happened that day. In retrospect, we had been acting like a couple for months before that. But this was when we sort of started realizing it ourselves.

I put that posting up at:

12 Nov 2003 01:44:39 UTC

Exactly one year later (given the true length of a year and the oddities of the calendar) would be:

11 Nov 2004 07:33:25 UTC

Um, it’s now a little bit more than two and a half days since then. So I guess we missed it. Oops.

But, better late than never I suppose.

Happy one year of being a couple Brandy. It has been a great year. It is hard to believe it has actually ONLY been a year. Thank you. I love you. And here is to the next year being as fun as the first, but perhaps not quite as chaotic!

June 2004 Top Ten!!

OK, I know I am many months behind. First the website was down, and then there were other things. But I’m trying to catch up a little bit. Before long everything will be back to normal! In any case, while the winners found out back in July, now the results can be made public! Here is the top ten for June 2004!

June 2004

Well, June was a bit odd, because between me moving, and me not having a computer for half the month while it was in for repairs, I basically answered almost no email at all. So with a few exceptions, most of the email in this month’s contest was essentially people talking amongst themselves while copying me, or them just talking to themselves valiantly waiting for replies from me which didn’t come until many weeks later if at all. Yeah, I know, I suck. What can I say, I’ve been busy, and my computer was broken!