This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



@abulsme tweets from 2013-10-06 (UTC)

  • My fitbit #Fitstats for 10/05/2013: 2,479 steps and 1.8 km traveled. 01:01:17
  • Reading – “The Question Was Never “How Do We Make Sure Artists Are Paid”. (Rick Falkvinge) 01:05:46
  • Reading – Man Sought in ’98 Attacks on Embassies Is Seized (David Kirkpatrick) 01:18:08
  • Reading – U.S. Raids in Libya and Somalia Strike Terror Targets (Kirkpatrick/Kuliah/Schmitt) 01:33:27
  • Reading – Lawsuit alleging Gmail ads are “wiretapping” gets judge’s OK (Joe Mullin) 02:59:08
  • Reading – Israeli Nuclear & other Arms compared to Iran's (Juan Cole) 05:09:13
  • Finished entering in 2008 election data to Going back to 1996 before I'm done just entering stuff. 05:33:03
  • I might play with some nationwide summary stuff before finishing data entry though. We'll see. 05:33:29
  • OK, 3:15 AM, enough for tonight. 2 poll avg national summary now up: (Need to backfill to 1996 to get 5 poll avg.) 10:25:06
  • And of course, it is way too early to take any of these polls very seriously anyway. Clinton dominates from name recognition alone. 10:25:49
  • I'm just trying to get all my stuff in place well in advance so I have plenty of time to refine and adjust and such before 2016 proper. 10:26:30
  • For instance, I've switched "Strong/Weak/Lean" to "Solid/Strong/Weak" as the names for my cats. Same boundaries for now, just diff names. 10:27:29
  • It seemed more reflective of reality. Places where someone is ahead by between 5% and 10% are not really "Weak" for that person. 10:29:02
  • Next up is the 2004 election data. Then historical graphs of the expected EC and the two best lines. After that… making the map. :-) 10:35:50
  • After that, a historical tipping point graph. Then a few other things to actually make it production ready. We'll see. 10:37:34
  • This is going a lot faster than I thought it would. I thought I would have trouble being done before 2016. At this rate I might make 2014! 10:39:08
  • Reading – Over 100 long-lost Doctor Who episodes found by dedicated fans – in Ethiopia (Halina Watts) 10:49:35
  • I keep thinking of improvements I could make, each of which would only take A FEW MINUTES! Must make myself GO TO BED INSTEAD. :-) 10:57:45
  • Reading – John Boehner Has Been Cruzified on a Cross of Tea (Kevin Drum) 17:22:33
  • Reading – How could we have avoided all this? (Jennifer Rubin) 17:26:18

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