This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



February 2004

2003 Q3 Random Vacation – Day 4 Posted!

At long last, another day of the 2003 Q3 vacation is complete and posted. I know a lot of you had almost given up and stopped asking, but here it is. Enjoy!

2003 Q3 Random Vacation – Day 4

Right about then, I was looking up and saw a HUGE fireball go by over head. Not just a shooting star, but a big blazing fireball.

I got excited and tried to point it out to Chad and my arm darted out to point…

And I slapped Chad hard on the back of his head.


OK, for those wondering what the hold up is, here is the current status:

Days @, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4: Posted
Days 5, 6, 7, 8: Waiting for Marilyn’s Comments
Day 9: Done, just waiting for the other days to be done first

So, everybody, please feel free to bug Marilyn to tell her to just spend a few minutes a day and get her part done, so this thing can be posted and we can get on to picking the next random vacation!!!

AfricaFocus Donations

My dad recently initiated a voluntary donation / subscription for his African issues related mailing list. He is doing it out of pocket right now, not supported by any grants or foundations or anything, so donations would be useful! I sent in a donation as soon as his email about it went out.

From his email to his subscribers:

I am writing to announce a new subscription policy and to request your support. After three months of publishing AfricaFocus Bulletin, I find your messages of encouragement convincing evidence of the continuing need for such a publication. But continuing and expanding AfricaFocus Bulletin and the companion AfricaFocus website also require more tangible support.

Therefore I am asking all readers who are able to afford it, particularly those living in North America and Europe, to make a voluntary subscription payment to support the publication. The payment is not required – in this sense the information you receive will remain free. This is essential to meet the objective of wide availability, including continued service to the estimated 15 percent or more of subscribers who are in Africa, and outreach to students and others outside Africa just beginning to seek out information about African issues.

However, those of you who regularly rely on the Bulletin will be asked at intervals to pay for your subscription. As an independent publication AfricaFocus Bulletin is not subsidized by any government, foundation, or organization. Instead, I am seeking your support as readers to make this service sustainable. The business model is similar to computer shareware for which the creator seeks voluntary payments from those who appreciate the product.

The minimum payment suggested ($10/year) comes out to less than 10 cents an issue. I hope that those of you who have told me you find the information particularly valuable will consider sending a larger amount.

I know most of those who read the stuff I put out are not into following African issues, but if you are even curious, check out his site AfricaFocus, and visit the Support Page.