This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



July 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: In Polite Company

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ivan and Sam are all over the place. Topics include scandals in the Catholic Church, racists being unleashed by Trump, a new patron, some movies Sam watched, a look back at the financial crisis 10 years later, Ivan’s new computer, an update on the kids separated at the border, and lots more!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-09-14
Length this week – 2:05:07

  • (0:01:24-0:44:56) But First
    • Agenda
    • New patron Bruce!
    • New iTunes reviews
    • Ivan’s new computer
    • Movie: How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
    • Movie: The Pink Panther (1963)
  • (0:45:35-1:23:09) Lightning One
    • Ivan: Trillion dollar deficit
    • Sam: Pope scandal
    • Ivan: Financial crisis 10 years later
    • Sam: Status of NAFTA
  • (1:23:48-2:04:47) Lightning 2
    • Hurricanes
    • Manafort plea?
    • Racists unleashed
    • Separated kids update


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Exodus

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about the Las Vegas massacre, the Catalonian independence referendum, and the ongoing drama within the Trump administration… with this week’s highlight of course being Tillerson calling Trump a moron. Before all of those topics though, updates from Ivan on the recovery from the recent natural disasters in both Mexico City and Puerto Rico.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-10-05
Length this week – 2:09:59

  • (0:00:15-0:08:07) But First
    • Agenda
    • Mexico City Update
  • (0:08:46-0:47:21) Puerto Rico Update
    • How bad is it?
    • Bou rescue flight
    • Mass Migration
    • Still worried?
    • Death tolls
    • Mayor of San Juan
    • Trump’s visit
  • (0:48:41-1:29:19) Las Vegas
    • A smaller scale event
    • Mass shootings vs individual shootings
    • The usual nothing on gun control?
    • Long term trends and divisions
    • The Vegas shooter and his plans
    • Victim stories
    • Amount of carnage
  • (1:29:56-1:49:43) Catalonia
    • Background
    • US Civil War comparison
    • Why not a legal mechanism
    • Problems with referendums
    • Predictions?
    • Implications for Europe
  • (1:50:59-2:09:39) Trump Administration Drama
    • Fucking Moron
    • Non-Denial Denial
    • Cabinet Suicide Pact
    • 25th Amendment again
    • Mutiny on a nuke order?
    • Chaos presidency
    • Tax proposal


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Intentionally Obtuse

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ed joins Sam for a discussion on the disaster response in Puerto Rico, the tax reform debate, and the hubbub over NFL players kneeling for the anthem. In addition to those major topics, they also discuss the Trump administrations ongoing approach to Obamacare, energy usage trends, Secretary Price’s private plane flights, a movie Sam saw, and more!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-09-30
Length this week – 1:35:00

  • (0:00:15-0:07:12) But First
    • No Ivan
    • Agenda
    • Friendly Skies
  • (0:07:49-0:25:07) Puerto Rico
    • What is an island?
    • Situation getting worse
    • USNS Comfort
    • Military help?
    • Less attention
  • (0:25:48-0:48:46) Taxes
    • Obamacare Repeal done?
    • Simplification and reform
    • Cutting taxes
    • Sustainable growth
    • Wealth Distribution
    • Bipartisan approach possible?
    • Partisan gridlock
  • (0:49:55-1:06:36) Kneeling
    • What kneeling represents
    • What is being protested
    • Where is the right place?
    • Non-violence
    • Trump’s intentions
    • Time for legislation?
  • (1:08:36-1:34:40) Potpourri
    • Obamacare sabotage
    • Obamacare fixes?
    • Julia Louis-Dreyfus cancer
    • Energy usage trends
    • Movie: An Inconvenient Sequel (2017)
    • Approaches to climate change
    • Artificial barriers to solar
    • Secretary Price flights
    • Deficit spending


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Nap Time

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan talk about Hurricane Maria, the Mexican earthquake, and all the latest Manafort news. Then they move on to a lightning round, with shorter bits on Trump at the UN, Trump vs ESPN, North Korea, Cassini, the Clinton Book, and more!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-09-21
Length this week – 2:04:19

  • (0:00:40-0:11:28) But First
    • Agenda
    • Time zone challenges
    • Naps
  • (0:12:05-0:42:08) Natural Disasters
    • Hurricane Maria
    • Mexican Earthquake
    • Back to the hurricane
  • (0:42:47-1:11:13) Manafort
    • Four Stories
    • Manafort’s history
    • Meuller’s strategy
  • (1:12:33-2:03:59) Lightning Round
    • Movie: Cars 3 (2017)
    • Trump at the UN
    • North Korea
    • Trump and ESPN
    • Cassini
    • Clinton Book
    • iPhone Repair
    • Healthcare comes at you fast


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.