This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



Curmudgeon’s Corner 2007-06-24

Yesterday the 4th Curmudgeon’s Corner of 2007 was released. This time the title is “Politics, Politics, Politics… and Beeps”. Ivan once again joins me and we blab about a variety of things for the longest CC so far of the new era, clocking in at just over 26 minutes. As the title would indicate, this time the topics were almost all politics related. Next week I’m thinking we’ll go for a more tech theme. But this week… politics.

Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Rogue Cheney
* The Beeping Thing
* Executive/Legislative Balance
* Erosion of Civil Liberties
* Conservative Reaction to W
* Ron Paul
* Declarations of War
* Bloomberg
* Overreactions to Terrorism

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