This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



November 2007

Paul Money

I’m sure everybody knows by now about Ron’s Paul’s big haul of cash from this week. I was tempted to throw in a few bucks, but the timing isn’t right for me. In any case, here is a relevant bit from The National Review blogs:

Paul in N.H.
(David Freddoso, The Corner, National Review Online)

So here’s what a good run by Ron Paul looks like: He runs ads and spends a lot of time in New Hampshire. He boosts his name recognition among unaffiliated voters and Republicans. He wins over more Republican voters. Meanwhile, Hillary becomes a prohibitive favorite on the Democratic side, and so the unaffiliated voters decide they will skip their boring primary and vote for Paul in the GOP primary.

At that point, Paul’s supporters run another big Internet fundraiser, drawing good press and bringing in a few million more effortless dollars to be spent on last two weeks. Other conservative candidates (Thompson, Tancredo, Huckabee) fizzle in New Hampshire, and Paul (along with Romney, probably) becomes one of the beneficiaries. He takes something like 20 or 25 percent, putting him in second place and making everyone re-think the race.

Far-fetched? Yeah, sure it is. But it’s not nearly as far-fetched now as it was the day before yesterday.

Oh, that would so much be a news junkie’s dream. Bring it on.