This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



July 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: No End to the Stupid

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan try to keep it short, but still go over 90 minutes. With no big huge central stories this week, it is an all lightning round show. Topics include Trump’s master plan, Flynn cooperating with Mueller, the Uber data breach, Plume Wifi, the Allison Mack sex cult, Star Trek and Star Wars, Trump being stupid again, initial iPhone X impressions, and much more. Those were only about half of the topics, so tune in to hear everything else they talked about too!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-11-25
Length this week – 1:31:58

  • (0:00:30-0:07:45) But First
    • Slow News Week?
    • Agenda
    • Feedback
    • Ivan travel
  • (0:08:54-0:38:29) Lightning Round #1
    • Ivan: Trump Fed Chair appointment
    • Sam: Trump judicial appointments
    • Ivan: Uber data breach and payoff
    • Sam: Movie: The Princess Bride (1987)
    • Ivan: Star Trek and Star Wars movies and TV
    • Sam: Allison Mack sex cult
    • Ivan: Nude Barton pics
  • (0:40:12-1:31:38) Lightning Round #2
    • Sam: Rogue Twitter employee
    • Ivan: iPhone X impressions
    • Sam: Plume WiFi
    • Ivan: Flynn Cooperating
    • Sam: Stupid Trump Family
    • Ivan: Trump master plan
    • Sam: AT&T / Time Warner merger
    • Ivan: Stupid Trump


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Whiney Wannabe

On Curmudgeon’s Corner this week, Sam and Ivan talk about, what else, the presidential race. On the Republican side: What is up with Sarah Palin? Does Trump really represent conservatism? That Cruz eligibility thing. And more. On the Democratic side: Does Sanders have a chance? Will Clinton’s negativity backfire? The Idealism vs Pragmatism conflict. And more. Then a sharp turn away from politics and for some reason they talk about Star Wars for 15 minutes. Shrug. Oh yeah, and WiFi sucks.

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Recorded 2016-01-22

Length this week – 1:25:39

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:03:41) Intro
    • Agenda
    • Listener Request
    • Boring Lives
  • (0:04:21-0:42:31) Election 2016 – Republicans
    • Sarah Palin
    • WiFi Sucks
    • Sarah Palin again
    • Trumpism and Palinism vs Conservatism
    • Establishment coming around to Trump?
    • Dynamics approaching Iowa
    • Will anybody stop Trump?
    • Cruz eligibility
    • Trump foreign policy
  • (0:43:34-1:07:13) Election 2016 – Democrats
    • Clinton will win…
    • …unless she screws it up
    • Negativity backlash?
    • Base vs Centrist divide
    • Embracing Obama
    • Iowa and New Hampshire
    • Hillary in trouble freakout
    • How might Clinton blow it?
    • Sanders vs Trump?
    • National Review’s anti-Trump issue
  • (1:08:23-1:25:19) Star Wars Lightning Round
    • Movie: Star Wars – The Force Awakens (2015)
    • Lucas Sour Grapes
    • What was wrong with the prequels?
    • Where is Rey?
    • Kylo Ren
    • Feedback

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Full of Spoilers (but not for THAT)

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about the Fed raising interest rates, and of course we spend a long time on the Presidential race. To round it out we briefly touch on wifi networking, dedicated cameras vs smartphone cameras, Star Wars, the Shkeli arrest, hoverboards, self-driving cars, and more. Oh, and 6 year old Alex joins us to talk about the exciting events of Minecraft Storymode Episode 4.

Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2015-12-18

Length this week – 1:37:29

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:49-0:13:27) But First
    • Agenda
    • Home Wifi Networking
    • Standalone Cameras vs Phone Cameras
  • (0:14:05-0:27:42) Fed Interest Rates
    • What is this Fed Rate?
    • What is “near zero”
    • Reason for raising rates
    • Negative interest rates
    • Other countries that raised rates
    • What affect will this have?
    • Ivan Disconnect
    • Wrap Up
  • (0:28:26-1:10:10) Election 2016
    • Press driving Trump phenomenon?
    • Trump fatigue?
    • Lots can change, but…
    • Early State Dynamics
    • Odds Adjustments
    • Latest Republican Debate
    • Trump third party statements
    • Where are the Democrats?
    • Sanders accessing Clinton data (breaking)
    • Alex Interlude: Minecraft Storymode Episode 4
  • (1:10:59-1:37:09) Lightning Round
    • Star Wars
    • Budget Deal
    • Shkreli arrest
    • Climate Deal
    • Hoverboards
    • Rules for Self-Driving Cars
    • Bush Momentum?
    • What could hurt Trump?
    • Trump vs Perot

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Indexing 90’s Spam!

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:
* Follow Bots / Ivan Races
* Puerto Rico / Greece / China
* Election 2016
* Tech Dependency
* Lightning Round

Recorded 2015-07-10

Length this week – 1:48:49

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: Just Not True

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam talks about:
* Thanksgiving / iMac / Movies and Books
* Star Wars / Immigration Reaction
* Iran Talks
* Bill Cosby
* Alex Interlude
* Ferguson

Recorded 2014-11-28

Length this week – 1:39:53

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