This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



October 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Double Hosts, But Not Double Coes

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ivan ditches Sam, so Sam’s 11 year old son Alex cohosts! Well, sorta. First Sam does a solo show, talking about the Democrats and how they are dealing with the Covid bill and other priorities, then the Republicans and how they are continuing to prove themselves to be solidly the party of Trump. But after that, Sam turns the show over to Alex, and so the rest of the show is Alex discussing his YouTube channel, answering a few questions from his Dad, and wrapping up with describing some of the things he has been doing in Minecraft and Terraria lately. If you’re not into that kind of thing, you can of course skip the last part. But Alex would appreciate it if you didn’t! :-)

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Show Details:

Recorded 2021-02-27
Length this week – 2:37:02

  • (0:00:27-0:30:14) Sam A: Democrats
  • (0:32:15-1:06:50) Sam B: Republicans
  • (1:07:36-1:47:51) Alex A: YouTube
  • (1:49:08-2:11:48) Alex B: Interview
  • (2:13:11-2:36:42) Alex C: Video Games
The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch. Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link) Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link) Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link) Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Weaseling Out

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, the two serious topics are school reopenings in the face of the pandemic, and the ramifications of the latest batch of Supreme Court rulings. In addition, Ivan talks about air conditioning maintenance, and Sam talks about Alex creating Minecraft mods. Also, Sam talks about not talking about something. Odd that.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2020-07-10
Length this week – 2:23:02

  • (0:00:01-0:08:23) Avoidance
  • (0:08:46-0:44:37) Light and Frothy
  • (0:46:38-1:33:59) School Reopenings
  • (1:34:41-2:22:41) SCOTUS Cases

The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Toy Swords

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam is joined by his wife Brandy. They spend the biggest part of the show discussing… or maybe arguing about… changing how you talk about things in order to avoid offending, insulting, or excluding people… or as it is most commonly called, politically correct speech. Then Cambridge Analytica gets its turn. Is it a big deal? Or not? Finally, Sam and Brandy’s son Alex once again joins the show for some video game commentary, placed conveniently at the end of the show.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-03-24
Length this week – 2:05:21

  • (0:01:05-0:06:10) Agenda
  • (0:06:49-0:57:37) Political Correctness
  • (0:58:22-1:37:38) Cambridge Analytica
  • (1:39:38-2:05:00) Video Games


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Lesson for Grandma Leslie

Grandma Leslie said that she didn’t understand Alex’s videos because she didn’t understand Minecraft. So Alex made a video just to explain Minecraft to Grandma Leslie. He highlights a variety of the things that are most important to him in Minecraft. Oh, and he insisted on having his facecam upside down. Because he could. And that is cool. Right?

Check out and subscribe to the rest of his channel too:

The video above is the 25th he has posted. There are 16 more in the pipeline right now, and he records more almost every day!

Watch my son Alex’s YouTube channel!

Alex’s channel is here: ALeXMXeLA

We’ve now posted 10 episodes on Alex’s YouTube channel. There are 15 more that he has already recorded that I’ll be posting as soon as I can get to them. All the ones posted so far are Minecraft videos, but he’s been branching out into other games on some of the ones in the queue to be posted.

Please subscribe, please watch, please tell your friends to watch. Especially ones with K-3 age kids who might enjoy watching a six year old playing games. He is really excited about doing these, so it would be nice to have a few people looking.

I’ll especially call out Episode 8 here, because in it he requests that the people watching vote for who won the “Building Time” contest we had, and give suggestions for our next Building Time. So watch and leave your comments on YouTube!

Here is Episode 8, which he titled “Building Time – Nala Part 4”:

Thanks all!

[Edit 15:24 UTC to fix typo.]

ALeXMXeLA: Minecraft Meltdown (Ep 1)

Alex has been bugging me for ages to start letting him record Minecraft videos like his favorites TheDiamondMinecart and StampyLongNose. This became more urgent though once one of his friends from school became Reid the Diamond Robot and started posting his own videos.

So here we go, Alex’s first Minecraft video. Um, he was really tired when we did this one, and got increasingly frustrated as we went, leading to a complete meltdown in the last few minutes of the video. Oops! He still wanted to post it though!

We’ve already got two more episodes recorded after this one that I will be posting soon. So subscribe to ALeXMXeLA on YouTube now to see more as they get made!

Pics from Jan 2015

1027 pictures for the month. First pass got it down to 80. Next to 48. Then finally to the 31 here.


2015-01-01 07:58 UTC – Sometimes waiting for the new year is not fun.


2015-02-01 08:04 UTC – Then the fireworks start.


2015-01-01 08:07 UTC – Then everybody was happy again. And it was 2015!


2015-01-02 02:07 UTC – For our anniversary, Brandy painted the planets as fruit. It is on the wall in my office now.


2015-01-03 00:02 UTC – We had to go to the courthouse in Seattle to pick up some documents. It has some pretty floors.


2015-01-03 00:08 UTC – We got there and back via the Bus/Train tunnel under Seattle. That was fun.


2015-01-03 04:35 UTC – Alex still prefers to wear his pants on his head instead of on his legs. We can usually get him to confine this fashion choice to home… usually.


2015-01-06 04:19 UTC – As usual, Roscoe is very patient. He is a good dog.


2015-01-09 13:34 UTC (picture by Brandy?) – Mike is a good skink too. But he doesn’t get to play with Alex much.


2015-01-09 21:50 UTC (Picture by Brandy) – We finally got Amy a new used car to replace the one totaled in November. She looks thrilled.


2015-01-09 21:51 UTC (Picture by Brandy): OK, that’s better.


2015-01-09 22:28 UTC – It is a Pontiac Aztek.


2015-01-10 23:54 UTC – Grandma Ruth helps Alex with a new Lego set.


2015-01-10 23:55 UTC – Sara really wants to help!


2015-01-11 19:59 UTC – Not sure exactly what we were watching here, but Alex was obviously impressed by it.


2015-01-12 05:04 UTC – Alex’s obsession with Minecraft increased in January. Mostly with Pocket Edition in Creative mode, although not always. More often than not though, this is not a solo endeavor, but includes several family members playing together. Here Alex and Amy work together while I watch.


2015-01-12 05:29 UTC – Roscoe sometimes plays with the iPad too. For sufficiently broad definitions of “plays”.


2015-01-12 05:53 UTC – Here are Alex and Amy playing Minecraft together from the other side of the screen.


2015-01-12 05:54 UTC – Roscoe wants to participate, but it is just so sleepy in here.


2015-01-13 08:33 UTC (Time when I got the picture, not when it was taken, Picture taken by Domography Photography) – Amy got a pro picture of herself for some reason. Came out great!


2015-01-15 14:27 UTC – Amy wanted to go to the annual company party with me and Brandy, but each person is only allowed one guest, so I had to ask if someone else at work would have Amy as a guest. So she made a sad face. We found a volunteer. So Amy would be able to go.


2015-01-17 02:52 UTC – But before party time, Alex was Minecrafting as usual. Here he built “a statue of Daddy”. He had my Minecraft avatar stand in front of him as a reference while he built the statue.


2015-01-18 04:34 UTC – At the party, Amy engages in one of the art activities.


2015-01-18 05:37 UTC – Brandy and Amy wanted to go to the party for the music. The opening band was “Walk the Moon“. Amy ended up with their set list hand written on a plate they threw into the crowd.


2015-01-18 06:15 UTC – The main band was “Weezer“. This is Rivers Cuomo. He looks like a normal dude.


2015-01-18 06:15 UTC – This is Brian Bell. He looks scary. But Amy ended up with one of his guitar picks that was thrown to the crowd anyway. Yup, two souvenirs from the show.


2015-01-20 05:12 UTC – Meanwhile Alex continues to build more and more elaborate things in Minecraft. This was a roller coaster he built, including a station where you get in and out, a ticket stand, etc.


2015-01-22 09:33 UTC (Picture by Amy on my phone) – One night Amy found me, Alex and Roscoe like this on the couch.


2015-01-26 06:58 UTC – Sometimes though, you don’t even make it to the couch.


2015-01-27 21:00 UTC – Oh yeah, Brandy also got completely obsessed with Minecraft and spent many hours building things. This was one of her houses.


2015-01-30 05:06 UTC – Roscoe looks on as Alex continues Minecrafting at the end of the month. This time on the full computer version. Still creative mode, not survival mode very often yet. But February awaits.