This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



July 2024

Alex and Tree 2019

Christmas Tree 2018

The traditional annual picture of the Donaghy/Minter/Roney tree.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Almost Ran Over A Possum

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ivan and Sam do a quick show covering the latest court ruling on Obamacare, the 2020 Presidential field, Christmas at the White House, all the latest updates on Trump’s many scandals, the Chuck and Nancy show, and Brexit. Short, but full!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-12-15
Length this week – 0:43:50

  • (0:00:56-0:02:31) Intro
  • (0:02:31-0:09:53) ACA Unconstitutional?
  • (0:09:53-0:20:26) 2020 Presidential field
  • (0:20:26-0:21:34) Christmas Decorations at the White House
  • (0:21:34-0:31:18) Flynn/Manafort/Cohen/Butina/AMI/Inauguration
  • (0:31:18-0:37:12) Chuck and Nancy vs Trump
  • (0:37:12-0:41:48) Brexit
  • (0:41:48-0:43:30) Outro

The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Christmas Snow Timelapse

Taken just south of Everett, WA on Christmas 2017 (UTC). Snow falls, then mostly melts away again. My timelapses are normally at a dynamically changing pace depending on how much change is happening in this picture, but I readjusted this one to keep a pace of approximately 1 hour every 5 seconds, so 2 minutes for the full 24 hours.

The 2017 tree is a little different…

ALL the creatures were stirring

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Weight and Bulk

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about the assassination in Turkey, the truck attack in Berlin, and of course another week of the Trump transition. We also cover artificial Christmas trees, upside down Christmas trees, the right way to wrap presents, the final electoral college vote, federalism, Ivanka flying coach, and more!

Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!



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Show Details:

Recorded 2016-12-23
Length this week – 1:48:43

  • (0:00:33-0:18:37) But First
    • Agenda
    • Sam gets a fake tree
    • Upside down trees
    • Pre-lit trees
    • Sam wrapping
  • (0:19:58-0:46:47) Turkey and Berlin
    • Assassination in Turkey
    • Possibilities for escalation?
    • Russia/Turkey closer together?
    • Syria connection
    • Price of intervention
    • Berlin attack
    • Connections to immigration?
    • Leaving wallets?
    • Granting citizenship
    • How do you defend? Should you?
  • (0:48:47-1:19:38) This Week in Trump
    • Random download
    • Things Obama did
    • Trump lies
    • Everyday Twitter
    • Pardons for illegal orders?
    • Eventual impeachment?
    • Disarray and Chaos
    • Reality vs Perception
    • Private Security
    • Fundraising kids
  • (1:20:19-1:48:23) Lightning Round
    • Timer Master
    • Final Electoral College Vote
    • Direction for the Democrats
    • Federalism
    • Ivanka flying coach
    • Uber self-driving car issues
    • Wrap Up


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Questions That Make No Sense

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan submit to the slow holiday week and meander over a few different topics. Of course we talk about Election 2016, including an argument about just what you can and can’t get out of the polls at this stage. In addition, we touch on wireless networking again, Scalia on affirmative action, the encryption debate, Sam reports on the 1980’s Star Wars Droids cartoon series, and more!

Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2015-12-24

Length this week – 1:14:34

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:04:52) Intro
    • Got Nothing
    • We Forgot
    • Happy Holidays
    • Agenda
  • (0:05:56-0:53:44) Lightning Round One
    • Ivan’s Wireless
    • Driving Big Brother
    • This weeks Trumpisms
    • Traditional Republicans Despondent
    • Establishment still Paralyzed
    • Clinton vs Trump in the General?
    • Reasons for poll divergences?
    • Are the polls bullshit?
  • (0:54:22-1:14:15) Lightning Round Two
    • TV Show: Star Wars: Droids (1985-1986)
    • Juniper Firewall Backdoor
    • Politicians on Encryption
    • Democratic Stasis

Happy Jolly Old Elf Day


Pics from Dec 2014

979 pictures for the month. First cut got it down to 61. Second cut down to the required 31 for December. Here we go…


2014-12-01 02:47 UTC – Alex shows that he knows how to use chopsticks.


2014-12-05 23:57 UTC (picture by Brandy) – Brandy installed a brand new sink!


2014-12-07 20:32 UTC (picture by Brandy) – Roscoe is pretty sure he is much smaller than he really is. He is the right size for a lap dog, right?


2014-12-07 20:38 UTC (picture by Brandy) – Of course, there was one person who noticed they were not in the picture, and they felt they needed to be. So we made room.


2014-12-08 00:30 UTC (posted earlier) – Alex celebrates the picking of the Christmas tree.


2014-12-08 16:51 – Alex watching Roscoe as Roscoe contemplates if he should get out while the getting is good.


2014-12-09 06:39 UTC – This IS what stockings are for, aren’t they?


2014-12-09 20:39 UTC (picture by my mom) – Sara posed by some of my mom’s Christmas decorations


2014-12-10 01:17 UTC – Alex kicking back in my home office.


2014-12-11 04:02 UTC – And in the lobby during one of Amy’s performances for school.


2014-12-12 06:09 UTC – A Lego creation by Alex.


2014-12-17 04:19 UTC (picture by Brandy) – Brandy took Alex to the bookstore. He got mad at her about something. He decided to sit at his own table. Then he fell asleep with his head down on the table.


2014-12-20 01:20 UTC – Alex in my office playing Minecraft… which in December was rapidly on the way to displacing Portal 2 and Trainz Driver for the “favorite computer game” crown.


2014-12-21 01:59 UTC (picture by my mom) – Sara and Alex playing at Grandma Ruth’s house.


2014-12-21 03:27 UTC – Alex gets into giggle fits when Sara licks him.


2014-12-24 05:49 UTC – Excitement builds! Christmas approaches!


2014-12-24 13:05 UTC – Regardless of the excitement, I’m not sure I would choose to sleep with my head by this part of the dog. But it was just fine for Alex!


2014-12-24 20:12 UTC (picture by my mom) – Sara got a new bed as an early Christmas present. She liked it!


2014-12-25 05:56 UTC – For the first time this year we put lights on the outside of the house!


2014-12-25 05:56 UTC – The lights were color shifting, so there were different colors and patterns every few seconds.


2014-12-25 08:11 UTC – As he prepares for bed on Christmas eve, Alex surveys the presents. In our family, everybody opens one present on Christmas eve. Here Alex has picked the one for me to open… one of his gifts for me of course. (It was candy.)


2014-12-25 15:55 UTC (posted earlier) – In the morning, not a creature was stirring, not even a dog…


2014-12-25 16:00 UTC – The stockings were hung by the chimney with care…


2014-12-25 18:49 UTC – In the hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there! (OK, some sort of photographic accident, but it could be St. Nick, right? :-) )


2014-12-25 18:49 UTC – Soon the presents were flowing. Here is Grandma Ruth in the wonderful vest Alex bought for her! I’m sure she’ll be wearing it all over town!


2014-12-25 19:18 UTC – Amy and Alex worked together opening some presents.


2014-12-25 19:20 UTC (picture by my mom) – I relax and observe the activities while Alex attacks Amy in the background.


2014-12-26 00:10 UTC – Christmas over, Alex was very insistent that we take a picture of this mutant potato chip.


2014-12-28 01:37 UTC – Then Brandy broke her phone.


2014-12-30 04:57 UTC (picture by Brandy) – We go out for the evening and Amy and Alex enjoy some pizza. Yes, Alex is wearing pants on his head. As he does.


2014-12-31 06:34 UTC – As New Year’s approached, time for one last snuggle on the couch to watch TV