- 03:10:52 Retweeted @AmyNotAmy 02:15:28 Alex (6), yelling: Hold your horses!!!
Dad: Alex, I don't have any horses to hold.
@abulsme - 16:08:13 Watching – 2015 Year in Media (mediamatters4america) https://t.co/1HRQrDVAU9
- 16:30:29 Report by OPEC. :-/ -> About 94% of cars will still be powered by fossil fuels in 2040, report says (Nick Jaynes) https://t.co/QhdQpuXPGk
- 21:54:37 Reading – The Contrarian Conformist: Review of 2015 Predictions and New Predictions for 2016 (@byufan) https://t.co/VJ4Qvrf1wy
- 21:55:51 .@BYUfan Thanks for the shout out. @imbou was sick last night, so we’ll be recording our 2016 predictions tomorrow morning. :-) in reply to abulsme