This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



July 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Something Made A Noise

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Ivan and Sam start off talking about things OTHER than Election 2016. The upcoming small iPhone announcement, corporate reorgs, Kanye and The Pirate Bay, feedback on the show, and more! But of course then it is election time. They cover the Super Tuesday results in both parties, the Republican delegate math, the possibilities of a Republican schism, and everything else surrounding the race that they can think of.

Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2016-03-03

Length this week – 1:59:20

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:10:30) But First
    • Agenda
    • Small iPhone
    • Mexico City
    • Reorgs
  • (0:11:50-0:42:03) Lightning Round
    • Carillian prelude
    • Apple wins a round
    • Malaysian Plane
    • Kanye and Pirate Bay
    • Nearby House Fire
    • North Korea
    • Syria
    • Feedback
    • Sam’s Vote?
  • (0:43:08-1:28:41) Election 2016 Part 1
    • Democratic Super Tuesday Results
    • Sanders lost, get over it
    • Carson out
    • Christie and Trump
    • Rubio attacking Trump
    • Trump’s Business Success
    • Effect of Rubio’s Attacks?
    • Trump Delegate Math
    • Forcing a contested convention?
    • Delegate Shenanagans
    • Odds of President Trump?
    • Trump’s Policy Details
    • The Mexican Wall
    • Trump and Duke/KKK
  • (1:29:44-1:59:01) Election 2016 Part 2
    • Never Trump Republicans
    • Will the Republicans Split?
    • Is Clinton more conservative than Trump?
    • Trump’s Supporter’s Motivations
    • Immigrant Debate
    • Romney Attacks
    • Trump’s Free Media
    • Buying votes not working
    • The Next Contests

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Until we are Tired

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner Podcast instead of a handful of big topics, Ivan and Sam once again go full show Lightning Round! We talk Election 2016, Sandra Bland, Cecil the Lion, MH370, Movies, Books, Windows 10, Gun Control… and lots more… 26 separate topics this week by our count! One for every letter of the alphabet! So start singing your ABC’s and listen!

Recorded 2015-07-23

Length this week – 1:37:02

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Show Details:

  • Intro
    • Yard Camping
    • Kids and Tech
  • Lightning Round I
    • Sanders, O’Malley and Black Lives Matter
    • More Trump!
    • Thinning the Republican Field
  • Lightning Round II
    • Sandra Bland
    • Police Escalations
    • Cecil the Lion
    • Internet Mobs
    • Clinton Emails again
    • Huckabee on Ovens
  • Lightning Round III
    • Piece of MH370 found?
    • Movie: Thomas and Friends: The Adventure Begins
    • Kids and Cars
    • Curmudgeon’s Corner Eight Years Old!
    • Onstar Hacking
    • Tech Earnings
    • Windows 10
    • Book: Autobiography of Mark Twain: Volume I
  • Lightning Round IV
    • Cuba Embassy Opens
    • We’re on Stitcher!
    • Louisiana Shooting and Gun Control
    • Jonathan Pollard Parole
    • Turkish Air Strikes
    • Syria
    • Upcoming Republican Debate

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Killed the Website

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Tesla in New Jersey
  • The Plane / Chile Earthquake
  • Obamacare
  • Campaign Finance

Recorded on 3 Apr 2014

Length this week – 1:10:33

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: Everybody Is Out

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Expensive Egg / Ukraine
  • Reading Hotmail / NSA Changes
  • MH370 Again
  • 530 Landslide

Recorded on 26 Mar 2014

Length this week – 1:28:17

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Curmudgeon’s Corner: It was just… no.

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Random Stuff / Billion Dollar Bracket
  • Missing Malaysia Flight MH370
  • Missing Malaysia Flight MH370 Continued
  • Ukraine

Recorded on 19 Mar 2014

Length this week – 1:23:04

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