This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



July 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: My Wonderful Foot

This week on the Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Ivan and Sam’s big topics are the Presidential race, the goings on in Congress, and Ivan’s musings on tech while attending Oracle OpenWorld. That gets you everything from the Benghazi hearing to the appeal of Carson to Speaker Ryan, the Budget Deal, and even Twitter and Hadoop. But it all starts with a bit on San Fransisco, and Sam breaking his foot. Fun!

Click to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2015-10-28

Length this week – 1:53:06

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:25:41) But First
    • Agenda
    • San Fransisco
    • Sam broke his foot
  • (0:26:20-0:48:45) Election 2016
    • Future Sam on Republican Debate
    • Ivan touches things
    • Democratic Polls
    • Clinton Benghazi Hearing
    • Clinton turnaround
    • Clinton vs the Republicans
    • Trump losing… to Carson?
    • The appeal of Trump and Carson
    • Bush concentrating on Rubio
    • The other Republicans
  • (0:59:33-1:19:56) Congress
    • Speaker Ryan
    • Budget Deal
    • CISA Passes Senate
    • Politicians and Tech
    • One more Carson thing
  • (1:21:00-1:52:46) Tech Update
    • Oracle OpenWorld
    • What is Hadoop?
    • Rise of the cloud
    • Speed of Innovation
    • Tech Company Earnings
    • Apple
    • Twitter
    • Native Advertising
    • Taking Companies Private or non-Profit
    • Book: The Scarlet Plague

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Sam and Ivan MST3K the Republican Debate!

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Sam and Ivan throw the usual format out the window and instead give the MST3K treatment to the Republican Debate. If you don’t know what that means, what happened is we played the debate, and recorded our thoughts and reactions to it in real time. So if you didn’t watch the straight up debate already, or even if you did, listen to our commentary now! Oh yeah, and at the beginning we talked a bit about a couple of recent robberies too.

Recorded 2015-08-07

Length this week – 2:24:50

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Show Details:

  • Break-ins and Robberies
  • Republican Debate Segment 1
    • Intros
    • Support Nominee?
    • Electibility
    • Immigration
  • Republican Debate Segment 2
    • Immigration
    • Terror and National Security
    • Obamacare and role of Federal Government
  • Republican Debate Segment 3
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Economy, Jobs and Money
    • Iran Deal
  • Republican Debate Segment 4
    • Social Issues
  • Republican Debate Segment 5
    • Foreign Policy
  • Republican Debate Segment 6
    • God
    • Closing Statements
  • Wrap Up Analysis