This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



July 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Name Your Price

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan talk quite a bit about the Trump/Ukraine/whistleblower scandal, but before that, they also hit vaping, the economy, the Israeli elections, and the situation with Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2019-09-21
Length this week – 1:52:14

  • (0:00:20-0:28:40) Domestic Stuff
    • Vaping
    • Economy
  • (0:29:56-1:06:39) Middle East Stuff
    • Brexit again
    • Trump’s Taliban initiative
  • (1:07:23-1:51:53) Trump/Ukraine/whistleblower Stuff

The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Chain of Events

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam is joined by Ed and Jon for another lightning round show. Twelve topics, including the stock market, an update on Sam’s dad, Sam’s thoughts on his new Apple Watch, Nancy Pelosi swatting down the attempt to challenge her for Speaker, that unfortunate encounter with the Sentinelese, some thoughts on spankings… and six more things.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-11-24
Length this week – 2:15:22

  • (0:00:20-0:26:39) Lightning #1
    • Sam: Dad update
    • Jon: Sentinelese encounter
    • Ed: Roberts vs Trump
  • (0:28:22-1:06:35) Lightning #2
    • Sam: Apple Watch
    • Jon: Movie: Eighth Grade (2018)
    • Ed: Climate Report
  • (1:07:50-1:43:38) Lightning #3
    • Sam: Nancy Pelosi
    • Jon: Stock Market
    • Ed: Comey Deposition
  • (1:45:54-2:15:02) Lightning #4
    • Sam: Trump and Saudi Arabia
    • Jon: GoFundMe fraud
    • Ed: Spanking


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Facepalms and Headdesks

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, guest host Jenn joins Sam to talk about the latest developments in the Trump/Russia saga, as well as Trump’s big overseas trip. Those are the big topics, and there is lots to talk about there, but they also touch on Jenn’s love of the Bay Area, healthcare for women, the Manchester attack, ransomware, electronics on planes, and something Sam’s wife is doing. Oh, and another WotD update too.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-05-27
Length this week – 1:36:06

  • (0:00:13-0:10:22) But First
    • Ivan Out
    • Agenda
    • The Bay Area
    • WotD Update
    • Brandy running
  • (0:11:00-0:51:04) Trump/Russia
    • Note taking apps
    • Just Stupidity?
    • Lack of Trust
    • More on Kushner
    • Trump fatigue
    • Nixon comparison
    • Republicans Afraid?
    • Draining the swamp
    • Follow the money
    • Collusion? Or just alignment?
    • Other Russia stuff
  • (0:52:24-1:08:02) Trump Trip
    • Success?
    • Trump and Melania
    • The non-stories
    • Body Language
    • Language Deterioration
    • Saudi Policy
    • NATO Policy
  • (1:09:10-1:35:45) Lightning Round
    • Hotel Lounge
    • Healthcare for Women
    • Search for new FBI Director
    • Manchester
    • Ransomware attack
    • Electronics on planes


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: The Dream is Over

This week on the Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Sam and Ivan spend most of the show on Election 2016. On the Republican side they discuss how recent results and the polls of upcoming states seem to be closing the door on the possibility of a contested convention and pointing to a straight up Trump nomination, as well as discussing Cruz/Fiorina, and what might make Trump worse than Cruz. On the Democratic side the discussion is on how Sanders seems to be finally admitting defeat, and on the veepstakes! Finally, they wrap it up with a lightning round covering all sorts of other issues they haven’t gotten around to lately.

Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2016-04-28

Length this week – 1:40:24

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:05:41) But First
    • Agenda
    • Noisy Ivan
    • The Beep is Back
  • (0:06:25-0:59:59) Election 2016: Republicans
    • PA/MD/CT/RI/DE Results
    • PA Uncommitted Delegates
    • Where Trump is in the Delegate Race now
    • Indiana Polls
    • California Polls
    • Projections for the rest of the race
    • Bye Bye Contested Convention Scenarios
    • Cruz/Kasich Deal
    • Cruz/Fiorina 2016!
    • Presidential Trump
    • Trump Foreign Policy?
    • Trump vs Cruz, who is worse?
  • (1:01:07-1:10:29) Election 2016: Democrats
    • Bernie admitting he is done?
    • Veepstakes
    • Median Voter vs Base
  • (1:11:08-1:40:04) Lightning Round
    • Bathroom Laws
    • Germany/Turkey free speech issue
    • Matthew Keys Case
    • The Chalkening
    • Tubman $20
    • Movie: The Gentle Leader Way
    • Brexit
    • Prince
    • Brazil
    • Apple Earnings
    • Saudi No Oil Plan
    • Car vs Helicopter

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Losing the Billion

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan catch up with the developments of the last few weeks for the Presidential race. They cover all the dynamics on the Republican side, and discuss if Sanders really is a threat to Clinton on the Democratic side. In the lightning round, a round up of some other recent news… Chinese markets, Iran and Saudi Arabia, CES, Y’all Qaeda in Oregon, book and TV show reviews, and more!

Click below to listen or subscribe… then let us know your own thoughts!

Recorded 2016-01-14

Length this week – 1:36:59

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Show Details:

  • (0:00:10-0:14:19) Intro
    • Agenda
    • Powerball
  • (0:15:07-0:42:25) Election 2016 – Republicans
    • Internet Slowdowns
    • Iowa Polls
    • Trump’s Cruz Birtherism
    • Likely Voter Models
    • Rapid Poll Movements
    • Kasich surge?
    • Debates
    • Candidates Dropping Out
    • Contested Convention scenarios
    • State by State Delegate Rules
  • (0:43:02-0:59:45) Election 2016 – Democrats
    • More on Republican delegate allocation in Iowa and New Hampshire
    • Clinton lead slipping
    • Why the late Sanders surge?
    • What if Clinton loses both Iowa and New Hampshire?
    • Clinton superdelegate advantage
    • Media bias toward a close race
    • Possible Clinton meltdowns
    • Trump’s position vs Clinton’s position
  • (1:00:48-1:36:39) Lightning Round
    • Book: Conversations with Myself
    • TV Series: Star Trek (TOS) [1966-1969]
    • If you disagree, you just aren’t listening
    • Iran / Saudi Arabia
    • Iran and the Navy boats
    • CES
    • Y’all Qaeda
    • Secretary Carter’s Email
    • Twitter Character Limit
    • Other things we missed

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Just one of these things

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and IvГЎn talk about:
* Sleepers / Aches and Pains / Jaws: The Revenge
* Greece
* Saudi Arabia / Netanyahu Visit
* Apple Earnings

Recorded 2015-01-30

Length this week – 55:21

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