This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



July 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: There Is No Universe

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan play the usual game. First segment random: A movie, the Arecibo telescope collapse, some minor election shenanigans. Second segment transition: Trump’s failing legal strategy that may be just fine as a money-making strategy, pardons, corruption, 2020 vs 206 comparisons, and even a little on Biden. Third segment pandemic: More broken records, Sam gets sick (not Covid), why communication and leadership matter, progress on a relief bill, and Ivan setting a bad example by planning to travel again. Oh, and despite his demands, Sam’s 11-year-old son did not get to do a segment on video games and YouTube. This time.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2020-12-04
Length this week – 1:58:29

  • (0:00:01-0:05:09) Cold Open
  • (0:05:33-0:33:29) But First
    • Sam Movie: Unfriended (2014)
    • Arecibo Observatory collapse
    • Fake candidates in Florida
    • Fake moves to Georgia
  • (0:34:15-1:15:44) Transition
    • The Trump Train derails
    • post-Presidency Trump
    • Firing more people?
    • Pardons
    • Corruption
    • MAGA rhetoric
    • 2016 denial vs 2020 denial
    • Biden names more people
  • (1:16:34-1:58:09) Pandemic
    • Breaking records again
    • Sam was sick (not Coronavirus)
    • Communication and leadership
    • Ivan sets a bad example
    • Vaccines
    • New relief bill?
    • Feedback
The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch. Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link) Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link) Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link) Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Into the Zeitgeist

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan’s big topics are Election 2020 and the concentric circles of corruption surrounding Donald Trump. But they also talk a little bit about the pandemic, the fire and smoke on the West Coast, gender reveal parties, and a foundation run by Ivan and his wife. So buckle in and listen!


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Show Details:

Recorded 2020-09-12
Length this week – 2:17:20

  • (0:00:22-0:29:44) But First
    • Pandemic feedback
    • Manu for Inclusion
    • West Coast fires
    • Gender reveal parties
  • (0:30:30-1:31:37) Trump Related Corruption
    • Expensive microwaves
    • Trump minions
    • Blackmail?
    • DoJ defending Trump?
    • Slow justice
    • DHS whistleblower
    • Trump admits downplaying pandemic
  • (1:32:19-2:16:59) Election 2020
    • Durham report
    • Squashing investigations
    • Polling predictions
    • Russian hacking
    • Trump campaign low on cash
    • Disinformation campaigns
    • Voter suppression

The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Usually Just Cheese

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan talk about feedback to the show, Gerrymandering, Brexit, and Hurricane Dorian first. The hurricane transitions naturally into Sharpiegate, and from there to more generalized Trump corruption, which of course leads to the expansion of the investigations being done by the House Democrats. And that’s a show!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2019-09-07
Length this week – 1:45:25

  • (0:01:48-0:45:00) Non-Trump Stuff
    • Feedback and structure
    • Gerrymandering
    • Brexit update
  • (0:45:45-1:45:03) Trump Stuff
    • Hurricane Dorian update and Sharpiegate
    • Trump corruption
    • Expanding congressional investigations

The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Going Bad

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Brandy joins Sam to talk about dogs, raisins, impeachment, Mexican tariffs, propaganda, polls, and electability. A fun and exciting show!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2019-06-08
Length this week – 1:37:47

  • (0:00:33-0:57:18) Round 1
    • Brandy: Raisin Dog
    • Sam: Impeachment
  • (0:58:55-1:37:27) Round 2
    • Brandy: Trump Soup
    • Sam: Electability

The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Magnet for Dumb Pipe Thieves

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan’s main topics are Election 2018, Alex Jones getting kicked off various platforms, and all the corruption in and surrounding the Trump administration. Before all that, a few bits on kid accounts for online services, a book and a movie Sam watched, and some adventures with cars.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-08-09
Length this week – 2:00:40

  • (0:00:15-0:31:02) But First
    • Agenda
    • The real Importance of the Corn Palace
    • Kid accounts for online services
    • Book: The Eyre Affair (2001)
    • Movie: Space Jam (1996)
    • Ivan’s car alarm rescue
    • Leaving keys in the car
  • (0:32:17-1:05:47) Election 2018
    • OH-12 Special Election
    • People mad at Greens
    • Primary results
    • Democratic wave?
    • State races
    • Trump effect
    • Sam votes
  • (1:06:56-1:30:02) Jones Removals
    • Platform or media?
    • Does presence of alternatives matter?
    • Private company rights
    • Human judgement and standards
    • Slippery slopes
    • Governmental vs corporate censorship
  • (1:30:46-2:00:20) Corruption
    • Wilber Ross grifting
    • VA run out of Mar-a-Lago
    • Trump Cabinet
    • Trump and family
    • Grassroots grifting
    • Manafort


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: What the Ever Loving

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner with Sam and Ivan, three main themes: Schneiderman, Cohen, and international messes. On Schneiderman and Cohen, they hit all the developments in those scandals, as well as talking about the possible implications for the future. Internationally, they hit the developments in North Korea and with the Iran deal, as well as the newest blow up in the Israel/Iran/Syria conflict. To round things out, bits about sharpening knives, milkmen, fresh bread, and even a bonus rant about Skype. Enjoy!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-05-12
Length this week – 1:54:32

  • (0:03:06-0:14:02) Intro
    • Knife Sharpeners
    • Milkmen
    • Fresh Bread
    • Agenda
  • (0:15:21-0:44:49) Schneiderman
    • The accusations
    • Information sourcing
    • Why didn’t Trump use this?
    • How did this last so long?
    • Comparisons
  • (0:46:05-1:17:34) Cohen
    • Kickbacks to Trump?
    • Normal in DC?
    • Follow the money
    • Speculations
    • Disqualifiers
  • (1:18:42-1:54:12) International
    • North Korea
    • Iran Deal
    • Israel/Iran/Syria
    • Incompetence good?
    • Election 2018


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Chaos Show

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan talk about the chaotic week that was. Donald Trump throwing grenades into the gun and trade policy debates, the mounting reports of corruption within the administration, and the usual, but seemingly intensifying, chaos within the White House staff itself. Oh, and Ivan caused some chaos himself by accidentally calling 911 from the airport. A fun filled show!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-03-03
Length this week – 1:42:36

  • (0:00:15-0:13:06) Phone Chaos
  • (0:13:51-0:50:51) Issue Chaos
  • (0:52:10-1:15:02) Corruption Chaos
  • (1:16:25-1:42:16) Staffing Chaos


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Facepalms and Headdesks

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, guest host Jenn joins Sam to talk about the latest developments in the Trump/Russia saga, as well as Trump’s big overseas trip. Those are the big topics, and there is lots to talk about there, but they also touch on Jenn’s love of the Bay Area, healthcare for women, the Manchester attack, ransomware, electronics on planes, and something Sam’s wife is doing. Oh, and another WotD update too.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-05-27
Length this week – 1:36:06

  • (0:00:13-0:10:22) But First
    • Ivan Out
    • Agenda
    • The Bay Area
    • WotD Update
    • Brandy running
  • (0:11:00-0:51:04) Trump/Russia
    • Note taking apps
    • Just Stupidity?
    • Lack of Trust
    • More on Kushner
    • Trump fatigue
    • Nixon comparison
    • Republicans Afraid?
    • Draining the swamp
    • Follow the money
    • Collusion? Or just alignment?
    • Other Russia stuff
  • (0:52:24-1:08:02) Trump Trip
    • Success?
    • Trump and Melania
    • The non-stories
    • Body Language
    • Language Deterioration
    • Saudi Policy
    • NATO Policy
  • (1:09:10-1:35:45) Lightning Round
    • Hotel Lounge
    • Healthcare for Women
    • Search for new FBI Director
    • Manchester
    • Ransomware attack
    • Electronics on planes


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Brought to you by the Letter P

It is back to the normal grind on this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner with Sam and Ivan. As if there was anything else, they have to start out talking about the explosive “Trump Dossier” and everything surrounding that. Trump and hookers and bribery, oh my! With that out of the way, they talk about Trump’s press conference and the latest developments with the Congress and Obamacare as well.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-01-13
Length this week – 1:42:52

  • (0:00:38-0:04:15) But First
    • UTC
    • Agenda
  • (0:05:19-0:49:14) The Dossier
    • Order of events
    • Allegations
    • Origin of doc
    • Confirmation?
    • Alex interruption
    • Believable?
    • Press reaction
    • Trump reaction
    • Contrast with Obama/Pence
    • Disagreements with cabinet
  • (0:50:30-1:13:05) Trump Press Conference
    • Was it a disaster?
    • Alex again
    • Trump changes the topic
    • The next election
    • Conflicts of interest
    • Things changing quickly
  • (1:13:41-1:42:32) Obamacare
    • ACA is actually Obamacare
    • What is congress doing now?
    • Possible consequences
    • Democratic response
    • Claim victory and go home?
    • Trump/Congress relationship


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: The Lightning Show

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner with Sam and IvГЎn:
* Intro
* Lightning Round 1
* Lightning Round 2
* Lightning Round 3

Recorded 2015-04-24

Length this week – 1:19:02

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