This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



July 2024

Curmudgeon’s Corner: In Polite Company

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ivan and Sam are all over the place. Topics include scandals in the Catholic Church, racists being unleashed by Trump, a new patron, some movies Sam watched, a look back at the financial crisis 10 years later, Ivan’s new computer, an update on the kids separated at the border, and lots more!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-09-14
Length this week – 2:05:07

  • (0:01:24-0:44:56) But First
    • Agenda
    • New patron Bruce!
    • New iTunes reviews
    • Ivan’s new computer
    • Movie: How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
    • Movie: The Pink Panther (1963)
  • (0:45:35-1:23:09) Lightning One
    • Ivan: Trillion dollar deficit
    • Sam: Pope scandal
    • Ivan: Financial crisis 10 years later
    • Sam: Status of NAFTA
  • (1:23:48-2:04:47) Lightning 2
    • Hurricanes
    • Manafort plea?
    • Racists unleashed
    • Separated kids update


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Willy Nilly

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ed joins Sam to discuss North Korea, how SCOTUS deals with precedent, this week’s story about immigrants in the military being discharged, and the latest in the trade wars and the economy. Before all that, they also do a quick update on the situation with the kids who have been separated from their parents at the border, and we find out if Sam’s family made it to the destination of their big road trip.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-07-07
Length this week – 1:26:12

  • (0:00:15-0:07:32) But First
  • (0:08:12-0:26:52) North Korea
  • (0:27:29-0:49:42) SCOTUS and Precedent
  • (0:50:26-1:03:27) Immigrants in the Military
  • (1:04:47-1:25:52) Trade Wars


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Anonymous Squirrel

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan’s main topic is the big immigration debate that has been dominating the headlines recently. They talk about the family separation policies and the larger debate about immigration, and also what watching this debate playing out tells us about our fellow citizens. Before that though, Sam gives his report from attending the Washington State Democratic Convention, and we hear a little bit about Sam’s family’s upcoming travel plans.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-06-22
Length this week – 1:47:54

  • (0:00:25-0:18:58) But First
  • (0:20:58-0:48:34) Convention
  • (0:49:54-1:47:34) Immigration


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Puppies or Penguins or Something

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan start out talking about talking about politics at parties, and how news junkies are different from normal people. But the main topics are the mess surrounding the possible North Korean summit, and the shameful policy of separating kids from their parents at the border.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-05-26
Length this week – 1:16:46

  • (0:00:15-0:21:30) Intro
    • Agenda
    • Politics at Parties
    • Mueller finding crimes?
    • Normals vs News Junkies
  • (0:24:07-0:52:32) North Korea
    • What happened?
    • Where are we now?
    • Impact on allies
    • Can the next president fix it?
  • (0:53:52-1:16:26) Immigration Kids
    • New separation policy
    • Cruelty for nothing
    • Immigration history
    • Genealogical hypocrisy
    • Shame shame shame


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Not on the Radar

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Ivan and Sam talk about the Parkland school shooting, the controversies around White House security clearances, and the budget and immigration debates, all rounded out with a little update on Stormy and Donald. They recorded about 14 hours before the newest Meuller indictments though, so discussion of that will have to wait… oh well!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-02-16
Length this week – 1:36:27

  • (0:01:40-0:11:58) Stormy Situation
  • (0:13:07-0:39:43) Parkland School Shooting
  • (0:40:23-1:08:25) White House Security Clearances
  • (1:09:10-1:33:32) Budget and Immigration


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Just Playing Poker

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan go all “Lightning Round”. They cover a wide variety of topics, including: State polls for 2020, talking policy vs talking scandal, the linked government shutdown and immigration debates, the Space X Falcon Heavy launch, Twitter’s release of Russia data, Ivan’s problems with his door, Rob Porter’s resignation, the aftermath of releasing “the memo”, welcoming a new patron, and much much more.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-02-08
Length this week – 2:06:22

  • (0:00:15-0:40:16) Lightning 1
    • Sam – Ivan birthday
    • Ivan – Ivan’s door
    • Sam – 2020 polls
    • Ivan – Model 3 Tesla
    • Sam – Facebook news ranking
    • Ivan – Falcon Heavy
  • (0:41:59-1:31:49) Lightning 2
    • Sam – Twitter Russia release
    • Ivan – Rob Porter
    • Sam – Shutdowns and immigration
    • Ivan – FBI agents affairs on text messages
    • Sam – New Patron
    • Ivan – The Memo
  • (1:32:26-2:06:01) Lightning 3
    • Sam – Stock Market
    • Ivan – Polls and Special Elections
    • Sam – Policies vs Scandals
    • Ivan – Ben Carson corruption


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Implanting Thoughts

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan talk about the politics of the short government shutdown and what that means to the continuing immigration debate, then they move on to reviewing many of the latest developments related to the various scandals surrounding the Trump White House. Along the way, Ivan also reports on his recent trip to Thailand.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2018-01-25
Length this week – 1:39:38

  • (0:01:20-0:22:18) But First
    • Agenda
    • Ivan in Thailand
    • Ivan on a Zipline
    • Baby on a plane
    • Climate change migrations
  • (0:24:21-0:54:17) Shutdown and Immigration
    • Should the Dems have forced this?
    • Should the Dems have agreed to end shutdown?
    • What next?
  • (0:56:00-1:39:18) Trump and Mueller
    • Wendy Murdoch and Jared Kushner
    • Russia to NRA to Trump?
    • Mueller/Trump negotiations
    • Trump’s prospects if he testifies
    • Discrediting Meuller
    • Release the Memo
    • Trump and McCabe
    • Are we near the end?
    • Trump Live


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Ten and a Bit

This week on Curmudgeon’s Corner, Sam and Ivan talk about the anniversary of the iPhone, using password managers, the travel ban, the healthcare bill, the newest Trump scandal news, and anti-Trump fake news. Oh, and also the Martian slave colony, and the fact that like the iPhone, this show is now ten years old too. Happy ten years to Curmudgeon’s Corner!

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-06-30
Length this week – 2:15:35

  • (00:01:37-0:21:30) But First
    • Ten years
    • Agenda
    • Leavenworth
  • (0:22:46-0:58:29) Tech
    • iPhone anniversary
    • Sam gets a password manager
    • New cyberattacks
  • (0:59:38-1:39:36) Policy
    • Travel ban
    • Healthcare
  • (1:40:15-2:15:15) Trump Scandals
    • Mars slave colony
    • Russian hackers to Smith to Flynn?
    • Anti-Trump fake news
    • Collusion not that bad?


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Two Way Split

This week on the Curmudgeon’s Corner podcast Sam is joined by guest co-hosts Ed and Bruce. Ed’s segment is mostly about the healthcare debate, with a touch of budget talk and a note on the Ides of Trump. Then Bruce joins the show to provide a Libertarian perspective on Trump’s first eight weeks in office. And even though he is out this week, Ivan wasn’t going to be left out completely, so he sent in a letter with his thoughts for the week.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-03-18
Length this week – 2:35:38

  • (0:00:11-0:09:45) But First
    • Agenda
    • Letter from Ivan
    • Sam’s Guilt
  • (0:10:24-1:18:10) Ed from Pennsylvania
    • Pennsylvania Weather
    • Ides of Trump
    • Healthcare Debate
    • Trump Budget
  • (1:18:49-2:30:44) Bruce from Washington
    • Television Woes
    • Election Night Schadenfreude
    • A Libertarian view of Trump
    • Better than Hillary?
    • Ineffective vs Dangerous Trump?
    • Russia Hype
    • Surveillance
  • (2:32:26-2:35:17) Wrap Up


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: The Red Button is Bad

On this week’s Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan hit three big issues: Trump’s accusation that Obama ordered wiretaps, the new Executive Order on immigration, and the plan to replace Obamacare. Along the way we also touch on an odd constitutional edge case, how Priebus is doing as Chief of Staff, and the usual weekly Russia updates.

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Show Details:

Recorded 2017-03-08
Length this week – 1:49:16

  • (0:00:42-0:13:15) But First
    • Agenda
    • Material
    • Sam Sick Kid
    • Ivan Travels
  • (0:14:58-0:54:53) Trump Wiretap / Russia
    • The Accusation
    • Not Defending Trump
    • Trusting Trump
    • Trump Attention Span
    • Russia Connections Again
    • Trump vs Pence
    • Constitutional Edge Case
  • (0:55:57-1:14:53) Immigration
    • New Executive Order
    • Does it get struck down again?
    • Knives out for Priebus
  • (1:16:53-1:48:56) Healthcare
    • Summary of Republican Plan
    • Objections from the Left
    • Objections from the Right
    • Motives of plan supporters
    • Politics of the plan
    • Why not actually repeal first?
    • Prospects of the plan


The Curmudgeon’s Corner theme music is generously provided by Ray Lynch.

Our intro is “The Oh of Pleasure” (Amazon MP3 link)

Our outro is “Celestial Soda Pop” (Amazon MP3 link)

Both are from the album “Deep Breakfast” (iTunes link)

Please buy his music and support his GoFundMe.