One important superdelegate switched his support from Clinton to Obama. Plus one new California superdelegate declared for Obama.
Net change: Obama +2, Clinton -1.
Updated stats:
The new delegate count is: Obama 1732, Clinton 1592, Edwards 19
In percent terms that is: Obama 51.8%, Clinton 47.6%, Edwards 0.6%
2025 delegates are needed to win.
There are 705 delegates yet to be determined.
Obama needs 293 more delegates to win.
Clinton needs 433 more delegates to win.
In percentage terms, that means:
Obama needs 41.6% of the remaining delegates to win. (It was 42.9% before PA.)
Clinton needs 61.4% of the remaining delegates to win. (It was 59.3% before PA.)
(Still no update on the final 2 Democratic delegates from the Pennsylvania primaries, or on ANY of the delegates from the Republican Pennsylvania primaries. Both of those things really annoy me.)
[Edit 3 May 2008 17:06 UTC to fix a typo in Clinton’s percent of remaining delegates, it was 61.4%, not 61.1%.]